Stocktake solution information
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Stock Take


Autotrack now offers you the latest in stocktake software solutions combining the power of the internet, barcode mobile computers and an easy to use web cum windows base stocktake software application. This barcode based stocktake system is category to Autotrack Batch Stocktakes(ABST) and Autotrack Online Stocktakes(AOST).  Autotrack Batch Stock take(ABST) is a powerful offline stocktake software application that that running at local client PC and mobile computer. You only pay once for all and use anytime when you want to do a stocktake and it doesn't matter whether you do take a day or a week to count your stock and complete your stocktake.  Autotrack Online Stock take(AOST) in the other hand is a powerful stocktake software application that that running at local server and mobile computer. Again you only pay once for all and use anytime when you want to do a stocktake and it doesn't matter whether you do take a day or a week to count your stock and complete your stocktake.


Able to interface to any type of inventory software (Via ODBC or Text File)
Bin and quantity display
Easy to setup and use Low investment
Easy to understand report
Online stock figure update (Online version Only)
No need to stop operation for stock take (Online Version only)

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Stock take process becomes so simple with the help of barcode readers and barcode stickers implemented in your online warehouse.
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